

Welcome to my Cosmetic Acupuncture page. I applaud you for investigating non-surgical approaches to support and maintain your beauty.

As we all know, in this youth-beauty conscious society, normal aging is frowned upon. Aging is perceived as something to be avoided or ignored. I feel quite differently about this. It is our responsibility to model graceful aging to our younger generations. How wise to honor our aging processes by supporting and stimulating our body's innate energy and wisdom. In this way we will create a new paradigm of beauty for all to enjoy.

We all know that medical interventions leave us looking, well, not quite human, and definitely not like ourselves. And even worse are the scars created that interfere with our body's natural resonance fields and disrupt cranial rhythms. Once off, this subtle energies that inform and allow balance become unable to communicate with the hypothalamus-pineal-pituitary axis. Did you know that it is this axis that is constantly scanning and healing our bodies? How foolish to disrupt this perfectly created system of healing intentionally! Especially when there are much better options.  

Facial Acupuncture affects total body health through facial treatment, which in turn brings the positive effects to the way we look as well as the way we feel.


  • Heals Sun Damaged Skin

  • Stimulates Collagen And Elastin Production

  • Improves Skin Tone, Luster

  • Heals Blemishes, Acne

  • Reduction in hot flashes and night sweats

  • Relaxation

  • Elevate mood

  • More energy

  • Better sleep

  • Overall body rejuvenation

  • Cleared sinus congestion

  • Eyes look and feel brighter

  • Clarity of the mind

  • Improved digestion

  • Feel more confident and beautiful!

I customize facial rejuvenation treatment protocols after pulse, tongue diagnosis, the Five Element constitution assessment, Hara palpation (abdominal diagnosis). This way I have a deeper understanding of the underlying processes involved.

I use a needling technique, that is referred to as Mei Zen that works to rebuild the elastin and collagen matrix of the skin. In other words, each needle creates a micro trauma that stimulates the dermis (aka the “brain” of the skin) to rebuild itself with new skin.

Every acupuncture point on the face is connected to an organ, and as the Qi moves and circulates, it strengthens the function of the organ connected to that point. It will improve blood and energy circulation, nourish the skin and increase collagen production to rejuvenate the skin.

HOW DOES MEI ZEN WORK? Mei Zen meaning “beautiful person” is based on ancient Chinese medicine practices and principles.

ACUPUNCTURE FACE LIFT The Mei Zen acupuncture face lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for five weeks. (10 treatments total)

ACUPUNCTURE NECK LIFT The Mei Zen acupuncture neck lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for five weeks. (10 treatments total)

ACUPUNCTURE ABDOMINAL LIFT The Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week for six (to 12 weeks). It is highly effective for weight loss, healing digestion, scar and stretch mark reduction, resolving reproductive disorders and boosting fertility, as well as improving overall appearance. For increased therapeutic results, you may combine two Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lifts in a row. 12 treatments total


HOW DO I SCHEDULE MEI ZEN? If you’ve never seen me for acupuncture, you’ll need to schedule an Initial Treatment, and then you can schedule all ten (or twelve if you’re doing the abdominal treatments) of your Mei Zen treatments. Make sure to schedule your Mei Zen treatments twice a week for five weeks, with at least two days between each treatment. If you’re an established patient you can go ahead and schedule all ten or twelve of your Mei Zen treatments without scheduling an Initial Treatment first.

IS MEI ZEN SAFE DURING PREGNANCY OR WHILE TRYING TO CONCEIVE? Facial and neck Mei Zen treatments are safe during pregnancy, but not recommended. From a Chinese medicine point of view, Mei Zen treatments are not recommended during pregnancy because one would not want to divert Qi (energy) and Blood from one’s Uterus while it’s doing the important work of growing a baby. However, abdominal Mei Zen treatments are wonderful and encouraged for boosting fertility and increasing your ability to conceive! Just make sure to finish your 12 treatments before trying to conceive, or take a break from trying.

ARE THERE ANY SIDE EFFECTS FROM MEI ZEN? There may be possible bruising.

WHO IS MEI ZEN FOR? Mei Zen is for anyone over 30 years old who wants to improve the look of their skin without using harsh chemicals, surgery, or other invasive, expensive techniques. Mei Zen is the answer to the search for a minimally invasive, effective, all-natural procedure that has lasting results, no recovery time, and only beneficial effects.

CAN I GO BACK TO WORK AFTER EACH TREATMENT? Yes, definitely! You can even keep your eye makeup on during each treatment. Just come with no foundation on, and you can reapply afterwards if you’d like. Or go foundation-free for the day and enjoy your results!

HOW DOES MEI ZEN WORK? Mei Zen treatment uses small needles in specific acupuncture points on the face, neck, or abdomen. Each needle causes a micro-trauma in the dermis and triggers the collagen matrix to activate and re-build. That’s why the results are so dramatic and lasting–your body actually makes new skin! From a Chinese medicine point of view, Mei Zen treatments increase Qi (energy) and Blood flow to the face, neck or abdomen, while also balancing the organ systems in your body via specific acupuncture points.

HOW LONG DO MEI ZEN RESULTS LAST? Depending on your age, how you care for your skin and overall health, and the level of toxins you are exposed to on a daily basis, Mei Zen results can last 3 years with maintenance. If you are over fifty years old, results can last 1 year. Recommended maintenance for any age is one treatment per month.

WHAT IS THE IDEAL AGE TO RECEIVE MEI ZEN? Anyone over age 35 will notice dramatic improvements and benefit from Mei Zen. The earlier you start, the longer your skin will retain the results from the treatments. It’s easier to maintain youthful looking skin than reverse it. However, people in their 60s and 70s receive wonderful results! It’s never too early or too late to take good care of your skin and overall health.

DO I NEED TO DO MAINTENANCE AFTER I'M FINISHED WITH THE MEI ZEN TREATMENTS? Yes, recommended maintenance is one treatment per month, after you’ve finished the 10-treatment (or 12-treatment abdominal) protocol.

WHO IS MEI ZEN NOT FOR? Mei Zen is not for anyone who is experiencing the following: major health issues, chronic illness, pregnancy, recent injections (e.g. Botox), migraines, seizures, or uncontrolled hypertension.

For women (or men) who do not like to be needled, the following therapies are used:


Cupping therapy creates a partial vacuum at the surface of the face. This technique promotes blood circulation, nerve function, muscle relaxation. Excellent technique for treatment of bell’s palsy.


Chinese Gua sha Facial massage is performed by applying gentle scraping with unique shaped Kansa plates, and medicinal oils on specific points, meridians and holographic meridian points on the face. The Gua sha technique is based on holographic meridian system. Used to increase circulation on the skin. relaxes muscles, break up scar tissue, and benefit the connective tissue.


Based on the Taoist Meridian therapy and facial diagnosis, acupuncture points are chosen considering their muscle and point function. Massaging the face with essential oils, on the chosen points and along the chosen meridians, relaxes the mind and body, enables the self-healing mechanisms to work at maximum efficiency. The skin detoxifies, repairs and regenerates it self. The immune system is boosted and circulation is improved. Skin becomes clearer, the general effect is that one feels more alive, the mind and body feel more in tune and energized.


For Facial Rejuvenation, I choose oils specific for the skin type and the emotional effect I need to create . The dosage of the individual essential oil, and where it is applied is the key for the amazing effect. The blend is massaged on the acupuncture points and along the meridians as well. Essential oils have many properties and these can affect both mind and body. As our sense of smell is linked to our emotions, certain essential oils have the power to lift depression, while other essences have a calming influence on troubled emotions. The purest, therapeutic-grade essential oils are custom blended for each person according the skin type and the emotional effect.

  • Dry Skin

    Rose, Neroli, Geranium, Palmarosa.

  • Oily Skin

    Lavender, Carrot Seed, Cypress, Bergamot, and Ylang-Ylang.

  • Acne Eruptions

    Oil of Cedarwood Virginia, Juniperus virginiana, Drying when applied. (Pleasant)

  • Rough Skin

    Carrot, Frankincense, Yarrow.

  • Blemishes

    Clary Sage, Bergamot, Elemi.

  • Anti-Wrinkle (Sedative)

    Orange (Softening)

  • Eczema And Seborrhea

    Bergamot (Antidepressant)

  • Dermatitis And Eczema

    Cedar wood (Relaxing)

  • Moisturiziing

    Palma Rosa

  • Tissue Regenerator; Anti-Inflammatory

    Patchouli (Calming)

  • Anti-Wrinkle

    Petit grain (Softening, Refreshing)

  • Cell Regenerator

    Rosewood (Uplifting)

  • Anti-Irritant

    Vetiver (Sedative)

  • Oil Control

    Ylang-Ylang (Calming, Euphoric)


How to make Custom herbal and mineral pastes are taught to patients with acne breakouts and other skin blemishes and disorders to maintains a clean clear glowing complexion.


Nutritional plan and supplements are recommended.

 InfraRed HEAT THERAPY and Moxibustion  

  • Strengthens the immune system, by improving lymph circulation

  • Enhances white blood cell function and helps eliminate cellular waste

  • Decreases inflammation and edema from tissue injury

  • Relieves pain

  • Heals skin disorders

  • Balances the nervous system

  • Sends warmth into the acupuncture meridians

Please note: Facial and neck treatments during pregnancy are not recommended. We don’t want to divert Qi and Blood from your Uterus while it’s doing the important work of growing a baby.

FACIAL Yoga & Qi Gong  

For the face, neck, ear and head's health and beauty, facial exercises while consciously breathing and stilling the mind is taught to maintain and prolong the treatments effects.