TCM with its roots dating back five thousand years, encompasses a holistic approach to health utilizing acupuncture, herbs, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle adjustments to harness the body's innate healing capacities and restore balance without side effects. Central to TCM are concepts like yinyang, Qi, ZangFu (organ system), and the five elements, which describe health and the body. Qi, or life force, flows through meridians connected to internal organs, maintaining balance and health when unobstructed. Acupuncture restores balance by inserting needles at specific points along these meridians to regulate energy flow.
Diagnostic methods such as pulse, tongue, and abdominal diagnosis are employed to assess the functioning of Qi. Acupuncture needles are then applied, guided by the client's "true healing intention," to restore balance and promote body-mind integration. Scientifically, acupuncture increases blood circulation and endorphin production, aiding pain relief and healing.
Needle techniques are gentle yet effective, with touch needling used for sensitive individuals.
Auricular therapy,
involving ear acupuncture and auricular massage
Other Modalities
In addition to acupuncture, TCM encompasses the following complementary techniques. These therapies, individually tailored and rooted in ancient traditions, offer holistic approaches to health and well-being.
Cupping therapy, an ancient alternative medicine practice, involves placing special cups on the body to create suction for several minutes. This technique aids in pain relief, enhances blood flow, promotes relaxation, and contributes to overall well-being, acting as a form of deep-tissue massage.
Moxibustion is a technique where dried mugwort herb is burned on or over various acupuncture points, adding Qi (energy) to the body. It's particularly beneficial for breech presentation in late pregnancy and offers benefits such as reducing the number of breech births and complications.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha, akin to Cupping, is an ancient Chinese treatment stimulating the skin to release stagnation and promote circulation. By using smooth-edged tools to apply friction in repeated strokes, this technique alleviates conditions like stiff neck, shoulders, and upper back, enhancing muscle health and circulation.
Chii Nei Tsang (Taoist Abdominal Massage)
Chi Nei Tsang is an ancient Taoist abdominal massage aimed at detoxifying and strengthening the body, improving elimination, stimulating lymphatic and circulatory systems, and releasing deep-seated tensions.
Qi Gong
Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese practice, focuses on developing internal strength by exercising essence, vital energy, and spirit. It regulates the body's constitution, consciousness, and respiration, preventing and treating diseases, improving intelligence, and manifesting latent power within individuals.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal remedies utilize the entire essence of plants, offering naturally safe treatment options with minimal or no side effects when used correctly.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine stands out as one of the world's most intricate systems. Typically, formulas consist of six to 20 ingredients tailored to an individual's specific pattern of disharmony. These ingredients work synergistically, with each serving a unique role in restoring balance.
These formulas can be consumed in various forms, such as strong teas, tinctures, or pills, multiple times a day. They encompass a wide range of ingredients from the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms, including roots, barks, fruits, berries, twigs, stems, leaves, and flowers.
In addition to my extensive collection of Chinese herbal medicines, I am delighted to offer a carefully curated selection of Ayurvedic, Amazon rainforest herbal medicines, Native American medicinal herbs.
Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine
Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine originating in India over 3,000 years ago, emphasizes balance within the body, mind, and spirit. It employs a vast array of natural remedies tailored to an individual’s unique constitution or "dosha." My selection of Ayurvedic medicines includes spices, single herbs and classic formulations known for their benefits in digestion, detoxification, stress relief, and anti-inflammatory properties. These remedies are sourced from reputable suppliers who ensure that the herbs are grown and harvested sustainably, preserving their potency and purity.
Amazon Rainforest Herbal Medicine
The Amazon rainforest, often referred to as the world's largest pharmacy, is home to a wealth of medicinal plants utilized by indigenous tribes for generations. These herbal medicines are renowned for their powerful healing properties and are increasingly recognized in modern herbal medicine. My collection features herbs known for their immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects; Also herbs that enhance energy and stamina; and herbs valued for their wound-healing and antiviral properties. Each product is carefully sourced to ensure sustainability and the preservation of this precious ecological treasure.
Native California Medicinal Herbs
The diverse landscape of California, from its coastal regions to its mountainous terrains, is home to a variety of medicinal plants used by indigenous peoples for centuries. My selection includes well-known herbs for cleansing and purifying properties; herbs traditionally used for respiratory ailments, and general tonic; herbs that are used for digestive issues, as a menstrual aid, herbs for their calming effects and support in promoting restful sleep and to induce vivid dreams and visions. Each herb is carefully sourced from sustainable and ethical suppliers who respect and uphold the traditions and practices of the native American tribes.
Honoring Indigenous Knowledge
Incorporating native California medicinal herbs into my collection not only expands the range of natural remedies available but also honors the profound knowledge and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of California. These herbs provide an opportunity to connect with the land and its history while benefiting from their healing properties. By offering these native herbs, I aim to support the preservation of these invaluable traditions and contribute to the broader recognition and respect for indigenous wisdom in natural medicine.