Kambo Purification
Kambo or Sapo is the name of the secretion of a large green tree frog known as Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog or the Phyllomedusa bicolor. This secretion consists of a number of beneficial bioactive peptides.
Photo by Amir Leron @AmazonCalling
Kambo has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rainforest to cleanse, strengthen, and energize the minds and bodies of their hunters. Secondly, it's used as a medicine for malaria, fever, infections, and snake bites. This medicine is also used to clear away dark or negative energy known as “Panema." It can also reduce pain, helps with fertility, correcting behavior, and treat addictions. It is often referred to as “the vaccine of the forest”.
Outside of the jungle, Kambo has been the subject of medical research for decades. And it is being used in the west to cleanse the body, promote mental clarity, balance hormones, heal the gut, treat depression, anxiety, overcome fatigue and addictions in combination of dietary and life style changes can also treat certain autoimmune diseases (contact me for more information)
Kambo is not for everyone. It is very safe when administered properly to the right fit. Not everyone can take Kambo. I take a thorough health history to check for any pre-existing health conditions (This is done prior to making an appointment). I determine then if you are a good candidate for a Kambo treatment. You must inform me, if you have ever had or currently have any mental or any physical health condition and if you are taking any medications and which supplements you are currently taking.
A comprehensive pdf will be sent to you prior to the ceremony on how to prepare but here is a summary of what to do and what to bring:
It is important to meditate on what you would like to heal, make your intentions clear. And not to plan activities on this day so you have time to integrate after receiving this healing. Please. Kambo is a powerful medicine.
3 days prior and after the ceremony, maintain an organic, clean, plant-based, and unprocessed diet. Do not eat sugar, no alcohol, no recreational drugs and refrain from sexual activity. (Please note, there is no mention of avoiding salt, salt is actually necessary to prevent Hyponatremia)
I prefer to schedule Kambo ceremonies in the morning, as you would need to fast at least 8 hours before the treatment. The night before your ceremony stop eating at 8 pm. Do not overhydrate, drink a normal amount of water.
The day of the ceremony: Do not drink more than a cup or two of water/herbal tea (no caffeine) in the morning. And only small sips of water. This is to prevent Hyponatremia.
What is Hyponatremia? Hyponatremia happens when the sodium level in the blood falls below normal. Our bodies need sodium for fluid balance, blood pressure control, as well as the nerves and muscles. When the sodium level in our blood is too low, extra water goes into our cells and makes them swell. A low sodium level in our blood may be caused by too much water or fluid in the body. This "watering down" effect makes the amount of sodium seem low. Low blood sodium can also be due to losing sodium from the body or losing both sodium and fluid from the body (caused by diuretic medicines, sweating, diarrhea etc)
Please make sure to not fast or water fast 7 days before or after Kambo.
Colonics, enemas, and sweat lodges should be avoided 3 days before and after Kambo.
Please bring 1 gallon of room temperature spring water. (No alkaline or distilled water. Your water must have sodium, and other key electrolytes to avoid Hyponatremia)
Yoga mat, towel, blanket, and pillow and a change of clothes.
Dress comfortably and bring layers as your body temperature may change. Also wear clothes that will make it easy to receive the Kambo (i.e. loose tops and pants).
Here is a summary of what it will look like:
Before the application of Kambo, I will be palpating your abdominal region and if I find it necessary, I will give you a Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage (internal organ massage) with essential oils (I choose the essential oils depending on your Ayurvedic dosha) this is to loosen any stagnation, release excess air in the colon and to calm the mind. You may also receive an Acupuncture treatment if necessary. These techniques facilitate a smoother process.
The way Kambo is administered is through the lymphatic system, This is done by making small burn marks on the top superficial layer of skin. I choose the dots based on that which needs to be treated, they are made on the meridians and ear reflexology points following the indications of Traditional Chinese Medicine. You will then drink 1.5 liter of water before the application of the medicine on the dot(s).
I only apply one dot of the medicine at a time, I use my judgment in applying additional dots. When I am sure that there will be no health repercussions from Kambo and if it feels like your body could take more, I will then apply more dots one at a time. Before application of each dot, you will be drinking 1.5 litter of water.
After application of medicine on each dot, there is a period of waiting before the purge, I’ll guide you with staying with your breath.
Before the first purge you will start to feel some warmth rising up to your head and shoulders, ears, face, you may feel pain in your abdominal region, bloated from water, swelling in reaction to the Kambo. you will feel very uncomfortable. You would want this sensations to stop. You just have to wait for the medicine to do it’s work by going through the body and gathering as much stagnated impurities as it can to purge it out. When the time comes to purge, you will purge and feel really well. The uncomfortable feeling doesn’t last long, the second and third purge are easier to come out. The last purge will be lighter.
Optional Hapeh (Rapeh) and Sananga are served afterwards. Then the ceremony will be closed.
Sananga is a healing eye drop made from the juice extracted from the roots of an Amazonian plant "Mata Heins" (from the Huni Kuin dialect). From inside of the roots, a juice in decoction form is extracted, which is utilized to cure the "Panemas" (spiritual diseases). Before going hunting, the indigenous warriors take a drop in each eye to sharpen their perception so they can perceive subtle movements in the dense forest. Sananga works in the main physical and spiritual energetic healing pathways. Sananga is also claimed to be a true tonic for the eyes and helps maintain optimum ocular health through its antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. These effects make it an alternative medicinal treatment for styes, infections, glaucoma and cataracts. As well as cleansing the eyes’ corneal layer, Sananga is said to decalcify the pineal gland, allowing one to activate the 3rd eye and access higher levels of spiritual insight.
The Sananga experience is short but very intense, to say the least. When the drops are applied to the eyes they cause an immediate, intense burning and stinging sensation much like one would imagine the experience of having lemon juice and chilli squeezed into the eyes. This is followed by an energetic rushing feeling that moves over the whole body, confirming the claim that Sananga is not just working on the eyes but rather working on the energy field of the whole body.
The key to getting the most out of the Sananga process is to relax and “surrender to the sting”.
The natural reaction from a Sananga first timer is “my eyes are on fire!”...and they will sit up and start rubbing their eyes. It’s important to know before it’s applied that one will feel this urge and that one must resist it, breathe deeply and relax into the process. The more one can breathe, relax and surrender to the experience the more pleasant it will become. After some repeated sessions using Sananga where one has become very comfortable surrendering to it, the user will find that it can become quite a blissful experience.
Rapé (Hapeh)
Rapé (pronounced: Hapeh) is a powerful, cleansing snuff (made of ash of various medicinal plants & sacred tobacco) used as part of important medicinal rituals. It helps focus and sharpen the mind, and also clears a person of distracting, bad energies in preparation for intention setting. It clears the sinuses of mucus and bacteria, helping to combat colds and respiratory ailments. Hapeh provides a calming, grounding effect on the emotions that lasts much longer than the initial sensation. It decalcifies the pineal gland and helps one to achieve clarity.